Medical Emergencies
Elevated Alert

Emergency medical services are available at Cedarville University by calling 911, and are provided by Cedarville University Emergency Medical Service. CUEMS is a department of University Medical Services, and is a volunteer ambulance squad comprised of approximately a dozen students who are Nationally Registered EMT’s, and who hold a license in the state of Ohio. The squad responds to emergencies both on campus and in the community through mutual aid with the Cedarville Township Fire Department. CUEMS is represented in the Student Government Association and provides exciting opportunities for ministry. Click here for more information on CUEMS.

What is a medical emergency?

Emergencies are not always obvious. You should call 911 from any campus phone if you think you are having a medical emergency. The following is a list of possible serious medical conditions or potentially life-threatening symptoms that might require the care of a physician or emergency room:

  • chest pain
  • confusion or severe weakness
  • disoriented, slurred speech
  • violent or aggressive behavior
  • fractures
  • hemorrhage
  • loss of consciousness
  • neck pain or neck stiffness, especially when it is associated with a fever and a rash
  • seizure
  • severe abdominal pain
  • severe headache
  • severe pain, numbness, discoloration, or coldness of any part of your body
  • shortness of breath
  • trauma where there is neck or back pain or the victim can’t move
  • vomiting blood or passing blood in stool

Note: This is not a complete list of medical concerns or emergencies. For medical emergencies, call 911 from any campus phone.

Medical Facilities

If you need medical care or have an emergency when UMS is closed, you can go to one of theseĀ medical facilities for treatment.