Fire Safety FAQ
Elevated Alert

Are the Cedarville University residence halls and academic buildings up to fire codes/safety regulations?

All of the University’s buildings meet National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and Ohio Fire Codes based on standards
relative to building style/construction, use grouping & year of construction. In fact, many of our resident halls and other
buildings actually exceed standards by having both fire alarm and sprinkler systems, in conjunction with digital communication
devices that contact local fire departments immediately when an alarm is set off.


Does the University regularly check its fire safety equipment?

The University campus safety office oversees both the installation and maintenance of fire safety equipment. Each month campus
safety personnel check the condition and working order of fire detection equipment in all campus buildings and residence halls. In
addition, outside fire protection contractors test and service the buildings, sprinklers, alarms, and smoke detectors annually.


Does the University hold fire drills?

The University has four scheduled fire drills per year and utilizes inevitable “false alarms” as opportunities to evaluate and
improve student and staff response time to fires. Campus safety personnel are trained to assist the Cedarville Township Volunteer
Fire Department in evacuations for fire drills and alarms.


What residence life rules has the University established to help prevent fires?

No candles, hot plates, grills, or a number of other possible fire-producing items (listed in the the current Student Handbook) are allowed in the residence halls. Tampering with or misusing fire alarms, fire fighting equipment or safety equipment can
result in suspension.


How does the University promote fire safety?

Resident directors review fire safety procedures with students at the beginning of each academic year. In the fall of each year, campus
safety holds a safety awareness exhibit in the Student Life Center reminding students of how dangerous fire can be and how quickly they need to react in the
event of a fire. Periodic e-mail communications on fire related topics are also disseminated to all faculty, staff and students on
the campus computer network. At Cedarville University the computer network is a primary source of communication to the university

The four fire drills held throughout the school year also serve as a training technique in evacuation procedures.
